Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My sick little guy

My day started 12am on the dot. Brandon woke up cry (which he never does) with a temp of 101 degrees. So mommy and Brandon spent the next four hours out in the living room rocking away. I was sad that he was sick but it was nice just getting to cuddle him for that long. Sleep finally came around 4:30am for Brandon, he slept till 8am.
The rest of my day was spent holding Brandon and trying to get him to drink. Over all it was a good day, it could have been so much worst.
Tonight daddy took Mackenzie to Awana so it is just me and Brandon, first we watched a movie (the pictures are of that) next we read some stories then bedtime.
Oh how I love being a mother!!! There is truly no better job for a woman than being a mother. Hope that you all had great days also.

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