Thursday, February 4, 2010

Another good shopping trip

This is my Wal-mart trip. I was able to get all this for $3.42 First I had four $1 off coupons on the starkist tuna which sold for .97 cents each so they became free with overage. I had a coupon for $2 off any Dove deodorant so I bought two travel size at .97 cents each so they became free. I had a coupon for a $1 off goldfish so I paid .98 cents for the bag. Then I had a coupon for buy one get one free for the cat treats.
Target was ok on savings but not great. Kraft had if you buy three it would be $6. I had a coupon for a $1 if you bought two. The goldfish I had a $1 off coupon. The SoBo water I had a buy one get one free. The coffee was on sale for $2.50. The bags of chips was on promo buy two for $5 and get the salsa for free. On top of that I had a coupon for .55 cents on one bag of chips. Total was $16.45

Last was Jewel, I had fun here! I had six store coupons that made the bottles of dressing a dollars each. The sour cream was on sale for .99 cents each. I had a coupon for a $1 off two then another coupon .55 cents off one. The Jimmy Dean sausage was buy two for $5 dollars and I had a coupon for $1 off if you bought two. Last the suave deodorant was on sale for $1.50 and I had a coupon for .75 cents off. My grand total was $12.78

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