Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 11 On The 30 Day Giving Challenge

I am learning that I am not very good about updating my blog and keeping up with what I do each day in the "30 Day Giving Challenge". This month I have been learning alot about giving and how to give in all forms. I use to think that I needed to give big if I was going to make a difference in a person life, but that is so far from the truth. Over the past 17 days I have learned that it is the small things that make a big impact!

Last Thursday night Justin and I took Mackenzie and Brandon to Target to buy the items we were going to put into the shoe box's for Operation Christmas Child. Mackenzie had so much fun looking and thinking what these child would need and like to have. We were able to see her giving spirit coming out and understand that this children that would get these box's had nothing and she had alot to be thankfull.

After we ate supper at McDonald's ( I did like the idea but one meal from there won't kill us right) we went and packed the box's in the car. We had fun talking about what the kids might think of getting all this. We also put in each box and picture of our family and our address, we are praying that we will get a letter back from one of them. After all the box's were packed we drove to a local church where K-Love 94.3 was taking box's and dropped ours off. Mackenzie was so very excited to get to see the K-Love van that she could not stop jumping up and down.

I will always remember that night as a night that my family all gave a wonderful give to Jesus.

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