Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The All Mighty Healer

Today Justin and I got the best news of our life, the hole in Brandon's heart is COMPLETELY gone!!!! We give all the glory to God. Thank you God for healing our son.

Brandon was being Brandon at the doctors office --is he screamed the whole time. He truly hates all nurses and doctors, sorry guys. Lets just say Brandon has seen a lot of them in his short life, and he has a very strong opinion on them. With that being said, in my eyes he did great. Brandon once again taught me a life lesson today. After the nurse had been "mean", to him before we left, he gave them all a hug and a big smile. Brandon NEVER holds a grudge and always forgives. May we all learn from a 4 year-old how to make our life a little better. Thank you Brandon for showing Mommy one more thing.

Here are some pictures that were taken over this weekend.

Our cat sugar lying in the tube after Mackenzie had just gotten out. I thought cats don't like water?
This is how Brandon likes to play with the pop-up tent and tunnel.

Brandon wearing Mackenzie's hat making his daddy so proud.

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