Friday, January 15, 2010

The smell of cookies baking!!!!

I was not planning on making cookies after super tonight but after what happen at supper I just had to.

Brandon, Mackenzie and I are eating supper and we are almost done when I ask Brandon if he was all done or whated more. He signed back to me "more cookie eat!" Both Mackenzie and I started laughing but to Brandon this was no laughing matter. He wanted his cookies! I told him that mommy did not have any cookies in the house. His response was " I eat cookies" then he signed please. Since he did such a GREAT job at using his signs and talking mommy made cookies for Brandon aka cookie monster.

After bath time the cookies had been baked so Brandon was told he could have one and only one. He eat up the cookie as fast has he could shove it in then went to get more. But big mean mommy was right there to stop him.

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