Tuesday, November 2, 2010

30 day giving challenge Day one

Day one

Two weeks ago we had a family move in underneath us and we rejoiced because this was an answer to our prayers. The unit below us had been empty for two years and in the winter it made our condo even colder. We really missed having the heat from the unit below raise into our unit. We prayed and prayed that the Lord would have some family move in before this winter came and He answered with a YES.

The family that moved in comes with a great opportunity for me to show the love of Christ. Come to find out the Dad died a month ago leaving a 15 year old daughter, 4 year daughter and a 5 month old daughter. I can only imagine what the mother is going threw.

After finding this out I just prayed and thanked the Lord for this opportunity to help this family and to show the love of Christ to them. So with the 30 day giving challenge starting yesterday this family came to my mind first. I was able to put together a laundry basket of food and other household goodies to give to them.

I had so much fun running around our condo getting it all put together and thinking of things to put in the basket. I waited till the mom had left to go run some errands then ran down and put the basket in-front of her door. I said a prayer over the basket that God would just bless this family and that this basket would touch the moms heart.

Later that afternoon I was going down the steps to get Mackenzie off the bus and the Mom had just made her second trip up the stairs and she asked if I was the one who had left the basket. When I said yes she just huged me and began to cry, she said that she was having a bad day and that was just what she needed.

Thank you Lord for using me to bless someone else.

Find out more about the 30 day giving challenge at http://www.30daygivingchallenge.com/

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