Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Better Late Than Never, My Goals For 2011

This year I wanted to make sure that all my goals were ones that I would be able to reach and were not to far out there that I would just give up on them. As you read, you will see that I really just have one goal that I put to work in every area of my life.

1. To work on becoming a more godly wife. I want to be a wife to Justin that puts God first then him. I want to work on serving and submitting to Justin as Christ served us.
  • Have a date night with Justin every month.
  • Have a lunch date with Justin every month.
  • Be able to go on a vacation with Justin.

2. To work on becoming a more godly mother to Mackenzie and Brandon.

  • To show them by my daily life, what the love of Christ looks like.
  • To be a godly discipliner, by showing them the sin hiding in their heart. I would highly recommend any parent reading "Don't Make Me Count To Three" by Ginger Plowman.
  • To spend more one on one time with each of them. To read to them every night before they go to bed.

3. Money

  • Pay cash for everything this year!
  • Start investing our money.
  • Keep working on getting our emergency fund fully fund with six months of Justin pay.

4. Self

  • To have a daily reading and prayer time with my Lord and Savior.
  • To read thirty books this year.
  • To keep working on building my blog.


Cassandra said...

awesome goals! I like the new look of your blog too. :)

Anonymous said...

Great goals! I read the Ginger Plowman book when the boys were younger and loved it too!