Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

Today is my parents' 36th wedding anniversary!!! Congratulations!!! Thank you for always being there for us. Thank you for always taking us to church, even when we didn't want to go. Thank you for homeschooling us when it was not the cool thing to do. Thank you, Dad, for always providing for our family and making it where mom could stay at home. Thank you, Mom, for always caring about whatever it was that we brought to you, no matter how big or small it was.

Thank you the most for telling us about God and how much He love us. Now that I am a parent, I am understanding that it was not always the easiest job. As I was growing up, you made it seem like it just came naturally. Thank you for leaving me a Godly heritage.

1 comment:

Genie said...

Thank you so much for the beautiful gift you have given you Dad and me. But the thanks really goes first to God and then to you girls. All of you were so easy to raise and so eager to learn or do what we wanted you to do. Yes you each had your own "little rebellions" when you did not agree (like sleeping on the floor the night we told you we were home schooling from that point on), but that too was a gift if you will. Thank you for listening and becoming the beautiful young women and mother you are. Your family is blessed to have you as their wife and mother. I love you so much! Mom